

Yoga & Qigong
Yoga is offered 6-days a week at 7 am. Classes are traditional Hatha Yoga, flow Vinyasana, Pranayama and Yin Yoga and are also tailored to meet the needs of the students. Plus, the Yoga Rancho and yoga gear is available for guests to use throughout the day.

Qigong is offered once a week. Qigong class emphasizes self-healing, chi cultivation, joint mobility, inner alchemy and gentle circular movements. It balances Yin-Yang and the 5 Elements, detoxifies the skin, brain, and internal organs, nourishes the joints, optimizes immunity, rejuvenates and increases vitality.

All movement classes are $10 a session. Yoga privates are available for $60 an hour.

Massage are available throughout the week. There are multiple therapists and techniques to choose from, including polarity-balancing, trigger-point massage, Ayurvedic massage, holistic naturopathic massage and reflexology. Each one of our therapists are highly professional and offer superior massages. $60 for 60-minutes. $90 for 90-minutes. 

Cacao Ceremonies
Cacao Ceremonies ($15) are one of our favorite weekly offerings! Cacao is a food of the Gods!  Our wise Aztec and Mayan ancestors knew of the sacred medicinal properties of cacao and they consumed it abundantly in their royal courts and for ceremony. We source an organic cacao product prepared by the indigenous BriBri women of Costa Rica that is truly heart-opening and deeply peaceful.

We create a uniquely profound ceremonial experience by pairing cacao with a purification ritual and Ecstatic Chakra Dance. Cacao is a gentle heart & spirit opener and is wonderful to experience alongside dance. The chakra dance is a journey of movement with soul-inspiring world rhythms that move you through the vibrations of the 7 chakras.  Through the simple act of dancing with yourself, you play and pray yourself through new layers of liberation and inhibition. If dance is not your thing, we can also pair the cacao heart-opening experience with art therapy. 

Sound, Breath and Energy Healing
Sound Therapy uses the Gong and/or 7 Tibetan Signing Bowls to invoke a deep state of relaxation. Meditating on the subtle sounds and vibrations of the 7 bowls opens and harmonizes the chakras, while the Gong vibrates across the spectrum of creation, Om. Sound therapy sessions assists in entering into meditation, has a centering effect and synchronizes left/right brain. We offer a complimentary Sound Bath once a week.

Breathwork ceremonies are available, either in group ($10) or private ($90) formats. Lying down, you breath with an active circular connected breath for 45-minutes, accompanied by instruments and guidance. Breathwork is a powerful medicine that accelerates transformation and healing - it helps us release big blockages on a deep level and quite fast!  

Our Healer in Residence, Carmen Sanz, is a practitioner of sound healing, breathwork and energy medicine. She offers private ($90) sessions where she combines these modalities to tailor an exceptional energetic healing experience for you. Sound and frequency is truly the medicine where the ancient meets the future. Breathwork helps us access parts of ourselves that are buried or otherwise inaccessible. By combining breathwork with sound and reiki, we tune into different vibrations and frequencies that ease the healing journey. 

Reiki is available with our own Brian Calvi.  Brian moves light and energy through you, while you simply relax, breath, let go and allow the energy points to release.  Energetic blocks will be cleared, leaving you energetically clear and open. By donation

Meditation classes and workshops ($10) are offered throughout the week. Instructors present a variety of methods and meditation experiences, ranging from stillness to active meditations.  Guests gain practice and experience with mindfulness, quieting the mind, and learn new meditation methods too.   

Sungazing (complimentary) is Brian’s daily practice and he would love to share it with you! Sungazing is an ancient Egyptian and Mayan practice where the gazer cycles earth and solar energies and receives innumerable healing benefits.

Forgiveness is an essential tool for healing and is a topic we often talk about with our guests.  Our forgiveness workshop (complimentary) focuses on two spiritual technologies in particular: Ho’oponono and Radical Forgiveness.

...And More
Water Aerobics is often available as well.  Aerobics in the water is an excellent practice that builds muscle and cardiovascular health, while also being gentle and low-impact on the joints.  Since Jody grew up with Rheumatoid Arthritis, naturally she is an excellent and sympathetic teacher of Water Aerobics.

Expand your clean cuisine repertoire with food demonstrations ($40). Learn to make unbelievably delicious and healthy dishes, whether cooked or raw, that are vibrant in flavor, color, life force and nutrition.

It's Currently Light Rainy Season

Dry Season
  • January — April
  • Hot & Dry
  • Retreat Season. Join a week-long, all-inclusive, world-class retreat. Choose a focus in health, yoga, raw food &/or plant medicine.
Light Rainy Season
  • May — September, December
  • Warm, Sunny, Rainy, some Storms & Rainbows
  • Guest Season. Make your reservation & long-term visit. All our guest & health services are available.
Heavy Rainy Season
  • Oct — Nov
  • Warm & Rainy
  • Farm of Life is Closed in May, October and part of November. Please visit us another time.